David Gonzalez
Creator of Spiritual-U, Psychic Girlfriends
and Psychic Girlfriends Online |
Psychic Girlfriends is a safe place that I made just for you to come and share with like minded people. We can all learn from one another everyone has something they want to share and I'm going to be part of that journey as well. I'll be honest I am Clairvoyant however I don't claim to be world renowned or powerful. I'm just like everyone else attending who wants to learn and expand his or her knowledge. Ultimately my life's mission is to make the metaphysical world accessible to everyone. By sharing my own experiences and giving my insight to everything under the stars this helps spread visibility to my cause. Not only that I hope to make it seem normal and not spooky or weird it is indeed an acceptable way of life. So if you live in the Central Valley area and want to join us
Psychic Girlfriends "LIKE" my page Spiritual-U for the next event meet-up. If you live outside the area still like my page and join us
Psychic Girlfriends Online Group via Facebook send me a request to be added! That way if we can't keep in touch in person we can online and chat. A thank you to everyone and the continued support. Can't wait to meet everyone next week
Love and Devotion to you

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