Once I began the Reiki treatment on my master Krista my psychic sense kicked in along with the Reiki. Anytime I would feel a bump or ridge on a part of the body I would psychically try to see what the problem was. On her leg I saw lots of pain which I later find out it was from a car accident when she was younger. As I continue working on her body Frank tells me go through all the Reiki hand positions on her body to get practice when I go up to her head I felt a bar jabbed in her head like there was a lock and it needed to be broken to free her. Intuitively I needed to say an incantation and call for help since this was clearly something I couldn't remove on my own the incantation used was "With theses words said at this time Krista's ancestors join me in this ryhme. Help break the lock that binds. Free her from block cast in her mind". Literaly I see someone rip a seam in the room like they were crossing through time.A man that looked like Thor from the marvel comic's pops out and tells me to hold the metal bar and he pulls out his axe and cuts right through it the bar evaporates into nothing. Later I described to my masters who showed up and they concluded it may have been one of her ancestors because she does have viking heritage. After the treatment came the real work because since that day I have been on a full on 21 day cleanse which included reciting the Reiki Principles, Performing Reiki on myself, daily meditations, eating healthy, drinking lots of water and lots more. Its rough but hey no journey is easy. Everything is going so far so well and I'm excited to perfomr Reiki on any friends who want me to. I'm exciting for the day my masters feel I'm ready for level 2 Reiki. Again if anyone out there wants to learn Reiki please check out www.casadelcurandero.com they have classes available.....
Love and Devotion to you like always David
(Picture:Google Image Search/Disney/Marvel
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