As I have previously shared with you guys I was finally going to learn Reiki Level 1.Now that my wifi/internet are up and fully running I am able to share this fascinating experience with you guys! My trainers and long time friends now known as my "Reiki Masters" Krista and Frank are an amazing dynamic duo that guided me in my journey. To be honest at first I felt nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I had previously worked with others that are Reiki Healers so I'm totally familiar with the chakras and grounding.To those unfamiliar with Reiki here is some general information (taken directly from www.reiki.org which also full of good information check it out!) Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.It was a blessing to be the only student this meant a lot of one on one interaction with my masters:). The first part of the day consisted of learning the history of Reiki along with learning the hand positions that I would utilize during the treatment.After all the wealth of information I understood this was a true honor and it had to be taken with the highest respect. I vow to make my lineage proud and not let my Masters down.During the second part of our day began my attunement which is a process where you are given the abilities to give Reiki treatments. I have heard so many stories from others when they got attuned that they started crying and got real emotional. Thankfully that wasnt me. During the process I felt a surge of energy going through my left hand my psychic senses where also enhanced its almost as if my abilities where given an upgrade. After the attunement I felt a closer connection with my masters almost like they became my family.Then the next phase was actually practicing using the hand positions on my first Reiki client which was my master Krista. The feeling was awesome the moment my hands hovered over her it felt like my hands where reading her energy and when I scanned her body some spots literally felt like my hand was physically running down ridges........................To be Continued (I don't like writing entries that are too long) :) However I will write part 2 for tomorrow but for the moment check out the website mentioned above and if your in the Fresno or San Joaquin Valley area and want to learn Reiki please visit http://www.casadelcurandero.com/ trust me on this there is no one better...................
Love and Devotion Like Always, David
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