Ever felt like you needed to ground yourself and connect to the earth? Every time I meditate or do any psychic work I make sure to do this. Sometimes its not that easy for some of us to ground ourselves. The best way that I learned which may not work for everyone is to literally try and feel the earth beneath your feet. Try being barefoot and actually placing your feet directly on soil then close your eyes and then feel that connection. If you can't imagine that pretend you got tree roots growing from the bottom of your feet and they are attaching themselves to the earth. Once I mastered this technique it became much easier for me to understand grounding myself because I literally did it. If you don't want to put your feet in soil then try standing on grass. Just make sure its some type of natural earth so grass, soil, putting your feet in a river stream and feeling the muddy soil beneath your feet with the water passing through. Anything like that will work. The earth has amazing healing capabilities anytime you need healing from negative energy try releasing this back into the earth. Just how you would bury stones in the ground to cleanse them from energy they have collected you can do the exact same thing. Not the burying part though! :) If your having a bad day try releasing some of the negative vibrations back into the earth by just funneling that energy through your hands and imagine it going to a hole you made in the ground. When you are done releasing then just close the hole back up and mother earth will clean that energy and renew it for you. So what are you guys waiting for? Go try it! Walk outside barefoot and try to feel the earth beneath your feet!
With Love and Devotion
(Picture Courtesy of Google)
Thanks for this info, I have to work on grounding myself because sometimes I feel like a leaf fluttering around in the wind and it can get hard sometimes to flutter down to the ground.