Just start already!What are you waiting for? When it comes to anything it takes practice. I dare you to start mediating today you don't have to do it for a whole hour you can do it for ten, fifteen minutes tops. I do admit I have fallen off the meditation band wagon a few times but you got to get back on top and try again. As the saying goes "It takes 21 days to make something a habit". Start today go to a quiet space gather your stones, incense, candles or whatever you meditation tools are to give it a shot. You might not feel anything in the first session but mediation takes practice just like working out you gotta keep going til it's perfected. After constant practice you will notice you will have peace of mind, be able to handle stress better, and plus studies have shown meditation can help lower blood pressure and help reduce dependency on medication. So get off the couch and go meditate already!!
Love and Devotion as always
(Pic by:www.sunship.com and www.sitillustrated.com)
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