"One of the Most Famous Incantation's:Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"
I've always been a worrier and I get that from my mother :). However I learned it's a part of me but I can not let it control me. If you previously have read my blog entries I have talked about incantations and affirmations. I want to revisit that today by sharing something I do when I'm nervous and feel scared about the little things in life.Sometimes lets face it life throws curve balls at us and it's not fun. Depending on how we react to these hurdles we can try to take our power back. Whether we have just got dumped by our boyfriend/girlfriend or we are terribly afraid of public speaking when ever your nervous or scared just say a rhyme. That's right say an Incantation, a few little words to change your mind set. This will take you from being fearful to soothing you. When someone tells you " I HATE YOU" that resonates and makes you angry. Same with love it will have a positive effect though. Next time you are fearful or worried in a situation say a few words and repeat them but overall believe in the power they harness. For example I dislike my job(I work at a call center) but hey we need money so before I go into work I say "Shield me now and protect me with light and soon I'll be home tonight". Every time I say that it makes me feel protected and know time will fly. So now its your turn next time you have worries or fears about the little things in life try a rhyme if you can't just say some words of encouragement. And remember we have the power to change our mind set.
With Love and Devotion
(Picture Courtesy of : Disney/Annie Lebovitz and Google Images)
Absolutely true...My Motto: Attitude is Everything. How we approach situations and how we handle them-not how they are handling us-changes it's outcome in whether it makes us or breaks us.