Ive only learned of my abilities since the summer of 2010. It started by simply meditating and after that my world has completely changed....
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Say a Rhyme Next Time..........................
"One of the Most Famous Incantation's:Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"
I've always been a worrier and I get that from my mother :). However I learned it's a part of me but I can not let it control me. If you previously have read my blog entries I have talked about incantations and affirmations. I want to revisit that today by sharing something I do when I'm nervous and feel scared about the little things in life.Sometimes lets face it life throws curve balls at us and it's not fun. Depending on how we react to these hurdles we can try to take our power back. Whether we have just got dumped by our boyfriend/girlfriend or we are terribly afraid of public speaking when ever your nervous or scared just say a rhyme. That's right say an Incantation, a few little words to change your mind set. This will take you from being fearful to soothing you. When someone tells you " I HATE YOU" that resonates and makes you angry. Same with love it will have a positive effect though. Next time you are fearful or worried in a situation say a few words and repeat them but overall believe in the power they harness. For example I dislike my job(I work at a call center) but hey we need money so before I go into work I say "Shield me now and protect me with light and soon I'll be home tonight". Every time I say that it makes me feel protected and know time will fly. So now its your turn next time you have worries or fears about the little things in life try a rhyme if you can't just say some words of encouragement. And remember we have the power to change our mind set.
With Love and Devotion
(Picture Courtesy of : Disney/Annie Lebovitz and Google Images)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
My Labradorite Stone
I'd like to share the stone that changed my life completely. This stone has been with me for over a year and a half now it never leaves my back pocket.It's called Labradorite and it's origins date back to the eighteenth century founded in Labrador Canada.Currently it is available in U.S.A, Finland, Norway, and Mexico some have this blue sheen, some have green, violet, or orange effects and rare ones showcase a rainbow of all these colors. It was interesting when I first bought the stone because I got it not knowing its metaphysical properties because in my opinion your intuition will guide you to the right stone. After that night when the stone was purchased I went to through my resource book and saw this and I quote" Labradorite is a powerful stone of magic and transformation awakening super-sensory abilities and the awareness of other states of energy". This stone was indeed made for me. It's such an amazing piece that it fits so perfectly in my palm like it was meant to be. I considered it my wand in a way. Sometimes my guides tell me to use it in healing sessions as a way for me to direct energy. To be honest I feel it symbolizes my growth spiritually and magically. In the beginning this stone was the only way I could direct energy however at some point I temporarily lost my stone and was forced to try to move energy through my hands. The first time I tried it worked.The only reason why I lost the stone was to teach me how to channel energy through my hands and direct it to where I would need it. Once I found my stone I felt it wasn't needed anymore. However I have it kind of like you have a cellphone, keys and wallet in your pocket it's just something I carry with me no matter what. Ultimately its become a part of me and will remain with me for the rest of my life
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Feel the Earth Beneath Your Feet...............
Ever felt like you needed to ground yourself and connect to the earth? Every time I meditate or do any psychic work I make sure to do this. Sometimes its not that easy for some of us to ground ourselves. The best way that I learned which may not work for everyone is to literally try and feel the earth beneath your feet. Try being barefoot and actually placing your feet directly on soil then close your eyes and then feel that connection. If you can't imagine that pretend you got tree roots growing from the bottom of your feet and they are attaching themselves to the earth. Once I mastered this technique it became much easier for me to understand grounding myself because I literally did it. If you don't want to put your feet in soil then try standing on grass. Just make sure its some type of natural earth so grass, soil, putting your feet in a river stream and feeling the muddy soil beneath your feet with the water passing through. Anything like that will work. The earth has amazing healing capabilities anytime you need healing from negative energy try releasing this back into the earth. Just how you would bury stones in the ground to cleanse them from energy they have collected you can do the exact same thing. Not the burying part though! :) If your having a bad day try releasing some of the negative vibrations back into the earth by just funneling that energy through your hands and imagine it going to a hole you made in the ground. When you are done releasing then just close the hole back up and mother earth will clean that energy and renew it for you. So what are you guys waiting for? Go try it! Walk outside barefoot and try to feel the earth beneath your feet!
With Love and Devotion
(Picture Courtesy of Google)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Psychic Connection with Animals
I never thought I would be an animal person but that all changed when I met Lola. My partner bought this cute little Westy(short for West Highland Terrier)puppy she was white and extra fluffy. Never would I think this precious little gal was going to be a part of my psychic journey. She was always the observer of my growth. It's funny because I would be in the living room with my incense lit and music playing, Lola would run over and lay next to me. At moments when I was afraid she would comfort me and make me feel better. Animals do have a healing touch that I absolutely love but with her it was more I built this psychic connection where its like one look at her and it was as if she was talking to me. One day while at work I was thinking it be really nice to go home early and play with Lola. Sadly I couldn't and out of the blue I just saw her pop out of thin air and she was running towards me it was as if I did a telepathic "Come here Lola". She must of heard me so I'm thinking she must of astral traveled. This was very funny I don't know any other way to explain it. If someone wants to chime in please do so. I'm still very close to her sometimes I wonder what goes on in her little head. Have you guys every had any experiences with your animal friends? Please do share I'd be fascinated to hear your stories....
With Love and Devotion
PS: That's Lola ^
Sunday, December 11, 2011
L.O.V.E a complicated four letter word :o
Stop trying to just be in a relationship and try to let LOVE happen naturally. Often times I feel there is a sense of desperation that you get with the first person that comes your way, and right away you want it to forcefully blossom into a relationship when deep down you know its not going to work.The secret to landing a good man is to stop focusing on the hunt and just be selfish and take good care of yourself. That's right I said it be selfish . For those of you who follow my blog I've talked about setting intentions. By setting intentions you are letting the universe know what you want. What women need is to first learn to love themselves none of this "I'm fat, ugly no man will ever fall in love with my fat ass type of attitude". By having that attitude you make yourself feel like you wont attract the right type of man and you attract all the Joe-Schmo's. That energy shows a lower self-esteem that when anyone shows any interest you jump into the relationship because your afraid no one else will be drawn to you. A good tip to try is affirmations say three things that you love about yourself in front of the mirror everyday you will notice how fast your self esteem improves. Secondly getting out of your comfort zone do something to better yourself whether it be eat more healthy, go to a yoga class to find internal peace, or maybe try a new hairstyles that you always liked but were afraid to try it.Sometimes we can be so dead set in our ways that we meet people in all the wrong places. Don't be the type of gal that meets men at the corner bar that is full of deadbeats. Go to social gatherings from meeting men at a class you took, to meeting them at the art festival in your town, be social and you will realize men do exist at different places besides the bar. By following these tips you will know how you can still have a amazing relationship with a man but you can also have a relationship with yourself. So ladies go out there live your lives and be selfish!!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Do the world a favor..Send out some positive energy
As a psychic I feel it is our responsibility to put out energy that is positive in the world. Since the majority of us know how to charge things with intention we should do this as a daily ritual of expelling good energy out to the skies. By doing this we are contributing to the energy that others give out unintentionally which sometimes can be negative. When you wake up in the morning you take a shower, eat, brush your teeth and then walk out the door. Once outside close your eyes release positive energy out to the world coming from your body and shoot it out to the sky. Some might think well my energy might not be much but kind of like how they say "A good attitude is contagious" good energy is too. Everyday I do this and it's not time consuming when I'm starting my car in the A.M. I shoot my energy out into the sky hoping to change the negative vibrations that are out there. You don't have to be a psychic to do this. For those that want to try just imagine happy thoughts in your heart then imagine that feeling going up your body in your head and then shoot out towards the skies. Simple as that and you will contributing to a more positive world.
Love and Devotion to you like always
Friday, December 9, 2011
Turning to a Psychic when it comes to Mr. Right
This message goes out to all the single women who constantly turn to psychics for advice on Mr. Right. I got two words for you STOP IT! Let me tell you this if you are the type of women who calls their psychic every week for help cut it out! Psychics are good for guiding you on the right path for example if we tell you stay away from men with drug problems use that to guide you to someone more stable. Do not turn to a psychic every other day for advice on your next move. Here's a little secret for those who are not to familiar with how psychic visions v.s. the future work just know your future is not set in stone. What we see can change depending on where you are at in a present moment. Lets say you and your boyfriend are constantly fighting the psychic may say you don't love em leave him. Maybe at that moment those were your thoughts about the situation. But then you two reignited your romance and a new path was formed leading to a wedding. That's the future being changed. Or how about they say you will go on a trip to New York and fall in love. Then all of a sudden you decide to go to Mexico instead and you have a fling with a sexy Latin lover(while you were drunk). That's you changing the outcome again.The point I'm trying to make here is don't rely solely on a psychics advise. Use a combination of your own intuition along with advise from others. Don't become one of those people who have their lives dictated by what a psychic says.Learn to trust in yourself and hear your guides voice when it comes on what to do. Never give someone else control, empower yourself to make your own choices.
With Love and Devotion
(Like the picture? Go to http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=15017&picture=love-stripes for more of Caroline Steinhauers work)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
UMMM....When are you going to start Meditating? >:)
Just start already!What are you waiting for? When it comes to anything it takes practice. I dare you to start mediating today you don't have to do it for a whole hour you can do it for ten, fifteen minutes tops. I do admit I have fallen off the meditation band wagon a few times but you got to get back on top and try again. As the saying goes "It takes 21 days to make something a habit". Start today go to a quiet space gather your stones, incense, candles or whatever you meditation tools are to give it a shot. You might not feel anything in the first session but mediation takes practice just like working out you gotta keep going til it's perfected. After constant practice you will notice you will have peace of mind, be able to handle stress better, and plus studies have shown meditation can help lower blood pressure and help reduce dependency on medication. So get off the couch and go meditate already!!
Love and Devotion as always
(Pic by:www.sunship.com and www.sitillustrated.com)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Learning to deal with your emotions >:)
Have you ever felt like you just wanted to throw in the towel? You broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and you just want to say f*** it I'm done with life. We have all been there as a psychic/spiritualist when we are not in line with our emotions and let out our frustrations out that can have a negative effect on our abilities. Since realizing my powers and trying to harness them it's difficult when I go through emotional moments and not express how I feel and all of a sudden I'm astral traveling every evening unwillingly. It's never a good think to bottle your emotions because you are just leaving bad energy inside of you. If your feelings are repressed they stay inside and don't go any where the negative emotions just keep impacting you and you can never really reach a truly calm and stable mind. One thing to do is to acknowledge how you feel by talking about it. Talk to a friend or a pet I know I turn to my dogs Lola and Kenji anytime I need someone just to hear me. Once we let it out we extinguish the fire and not become victims to our emotions. After that we might still feel a little sting from what ever happened but we have some sense of relief knowing that we dealt with it. For everyone out there I do encourage you to try this anytime you have a bad situation to deal with. Always acknowledge how the situation makes you feel then if its something that you can control try fixing it if not then recognize you can't do anything about it and just learn to move forward. It's real easy and you will be doing your spiritual self a huge favor :)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
*My Life Purpose*
In order for people to live there authentic self's we need to figure out what our true callings are in life and for me its something I have came to realize full circle as of last week. From the days working at Wally World I would always end up giving advise to people. Everyone wanted my advice. Co-workers would always share thoughts and secrets with me all the time. It's not something I was asking for this gift just came naturally because people would just open up to me. Keep in mind at this time I didn't know I was Psychic. From there my ventures led me to start writing a self help blog back in 2006 that didn't last to long since I was actually paying to maintain it :(. Although when the blog was up it was very enjoyable for me to write and loved the fact that people are actually reading it. From that point I just let it sit in the back burner then in 2008 my partner introduced me to the metaphysical world. Through my life time I've had curiosity but never really experienced it. After two whole years of learning what this world was all about, a lot of what I learned made sense to me and therefore revealing that I might be psychic. At that time I had a reading with psychic Terry Yoder he told me he saw that I was going to be helping people somehow I was going to help those in need such as counseling. The whole puzzle really didn't click until a week ago! So during a meditation I asked what is my authentic self? Who am I? My answer was I'm an Adviser to people, a spiritual counselor to be more precise. There is a theory that many spiritual beings have said on and on from the recently passed Steve Jobs to the Psychic Twins Terry and Linda Jamison. "Everything we do in life is connected in some way" we wonder why the heck am I working here or doing this for a living? It's because this is going to prepare you for your purpose in life. Everything is connected after I looked at the big picture from loving to write, to giving advice ,writing a self help blog and now psychic. I'm prepared for this and ready to help those in need!!
With Love and Devotion
David G
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