Sunday, December 18, 2011

Say a Rhyme Next Time..........................

"One of the Most Famous Incantation's:Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"

I've always been a worrier and I get that from my mother :). However I learned it's a part of me but I can not let it control me. If you previously have read my blog entries I have talked about incantations and affirmations. I want to revisit that today by sharing something I do when I'm nervous and feel scared about the little things in life.Sometimes lets face it life throws curve balls at us and it's not fun. Depending on how we react to these hurdles we can try to take our power back. Whether we have just got dumped by our boyfriend/girlfriend or we are terribly afraid of public speaking when ever your nervous or scared just say a rhyme. That's right say an Incantation, a few little words to change your mind set. This will take you from being fearful to soothing you. When someone tells you " I HATE YOU" that resonates and makes you angry. Same with love it will have a positive effect though. Next time you are fearful or worried in a situation say a few words and repeat them but overall believe in the power they harness. For example I dislike my job(I work at a call center) but hey we need money so before I go into work I say "Shield me now and protect me with light and soon I'll be home tonight". Every time I say that it makes me feel protected and know time will fly. So now its your turn next time you have worries or fears about the little things in life try a rhyme if you can't just say some words of encouragement. And remember we have the power to change our mind set.

With Love and Devotion


(Picture Courtesy of : Disney/Annie Lebovitz and Google Images)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Labradorite Stone

I'd like to share the stone that changed my life completely. This stone has been with me for over a year and a half now it never leaves my back pocket.It's called Labradorite and it's origins date back to the eighteenth century founded in Labrador Canada.Currently it is available in U.S.A, Finland, Norway, and Mexico some have this blue sheen, some have green, violet, or orange effects and rare ones showcase a rainbow of all these colors. It was interesting when I first bought the stone because I got it not knowing its metaphysical properties because in my opinion your intuition will guide you to the right stone. After that night when the stone was purchased I went to through my resource book and saw this and I quote" Labradorite is a powerful stone of magic and transformation awakening super-sensory abilities and the awareness of other states of energy". This stone was indeed made for me. It's such an amazing piece that it fits so perfectly in my palm like it was meant to be. I considered it my wand in a way. Sometimes my guides tell me to use it in healing sessions as a way for me to direct energy. To be honest I feel it symbolizes my growth spiritually and magically. In the beginning this stone was the only way I could direct energy however at some point I temporarily lost my stone and was forced to try to move energy through my hands. The first time I tried it worked.The only reason why I lost the stone was to teach me how to channel energy through my hands and direct it to where I would need it. Once I found my stone I felt it wasn't needed anymore. However I have it kind of like you have a cellphone, keys and wallet in your pocket it's just something I carry with me no matter what. Ultimately its become a part of me and will remain with me for the rest of my life

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Feel the Earth Beneath Your Feet...............

Ever felt like you needed to ground yourself and connect to the earth? Every time I meditate or do any psychic work I make sure to do this. Sometimes its not that easy for some of us to ground ourselves. The best way that I learned which may not work for everyone is to literally try and feel the earth beneath your feet. Try being barefoot and actually placing your feet directly on soil then close your eyes and then feel that connection. If you can't imagine that pretend you got tree roots growing from the bottom of your feet and they are attaching themselves to the earth. Once I mastered this technique it became much easier for me to understand grounding myself because I literally did it. If you don't want to put your feet in soil then try standing on grass. Just make sure its some type of natural earth so grass, soil, putting your feet in a river stream and feeling the muddy soil beneath your feet with the water passing through. Anything like that will work. The earth has amazing healing capabilities anytime you need healing from negative energy try releasing this back into the earth. Just how you would bury stones in the ground to cleanse them from energy they have collected you can do the exact same thing. Not the burying part though! :) If your having a bad day try releasing some of the negative vibrations back into the earth by just funneling that energy through your hands and imagine it going to a hole you made in the ground. When you are done releasing then just close the hole back up and mother earth will clean that energy and renew it for you. So what are you guys waiting for? Go try it! Walk outside barefoot and try to feel the earth beneath your feet!

With Love and Devotion


(Picture Courtesy of Google)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Psychic Connection with Animals

I never thought I would be an animal person but that all changed when I met Lola. My partner bought this cute little Westy(short for West Highland Terrier)puppy she was white and extra fluffy. Never would I think this precious little gal was going to be a part of my psychic journey. She was always the observer of my growth. It's funny because I would be in the living room with my incense lit and music playing, Lola would run over and lay next to me. At moments when I was afraid she would comfort me and make me feel better. Animals do have a healing touch that I absolutely love but with her it was more I built this psychic connection where its like one look at her and it was as if she was talking to me. One day while at work I was thinking it be really nice to go home early and play with Lola. Sadly I couldn't and out of the blue I just saw her pop out of thin air and she was running towards me it was as if I did a telepathic "Come here Lola". She must of heard me so I'm thinking she must of astral traveled. This was very funny I don't know any other way to explain it. If someone wants to chime in please do so. I'm still very close to her sometimes I wonder what goes on in her little head. Have you guys every had any experiences with your animal friends? Please do share I'd be fascinated to hear your stories....

With Love and Devotion


PS: That's Lola ^

Sunday, December 11, 2011

L.O.V.E a complicated four letter word :o

Stop trying to just be in a relationship and try to let LOVE happen naturally. Often times I feel there is a sense of desperation that you get with the first person that comes your way, and right away you want it to forcefully blossom into a relationship when deep down you know its not going to work.The secret to landing a good man is to stop focusing on the hunt and just be selfish and take good care of yourself. That's right I said it be selfish . For those of you who follow my blog I've talked about setting intentions. By setting intentions you are letting the universe know what you want. What women need is to first learn to love themselves none of this "I'm fat, ugly no man will ever fall in love with my fat ass type of attitude". By having that attitude you make yourself feel like you wont attract the right type of man and you attract all the Joe-Schmo's. That energy shows a lower self-esteem that when anyone shows any interest you jump into the relationship because your afraid no one else will be drawn to you. A good tip to try is affirmations say three things that you love about yourself in front of the mirror everyday you will notice how fast your self esteem improves. Secondly getting out of your comfort zone do something to better yourself whether it be eat more healthy, go to a yoga class to find internal peace, or maybe try a new hairstyles that you always liked but were afraid to try it.Sometimes we can be so dead set in our ways that we meet people in all the wrong places. Don't be the type of gal that meets men at the corner bar that is full of deadbeats. Go to social gatherings from meeting men at a class you took, to meeting them at the art festival in your town, be social and you will realize men do exist at different places besides the bar. By following these tips you will know how you can still have a amazing relationship with a man but you can also have a relationship with yourself. So ladies go out there live your lives and be selfish!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do the world a favor..Send out some positive energy

As a psychic I feel it is our responsibility to put out energy that is positive in the world. Since the majority of us know how to charge things with intention we should do this as a daily ritual of expelling good energy out to the skies. By doing this we are contributing to the energy that others give out unintentionally which sometimes can be negative. When you wake up in the morning you take a shower, eat, brush your teeth and then walk out the door. Once outside close your eyes release positive energy out to the world coming from your body and shoot it out to the sky. Some might think well my energy might not be much but kind of like how they say "A good attitude is contagious" good energy is too. Everyday I do this and it's not time consuming when I'm starting my car in the A.M. I shoot my energy out into the sky hoping to change the negative vibrations that are out there. You don't have to be a psychic to do this. For those that want to try just imagine happy thoughts in your heart then imagine that feeling going up your body in your head and then shoot out towards the skies. Simple as that and you will contributing to a more positive world.

Love and Devotion to you like always


Friday, December 9, 2011

Turning to a Psychic when it comes to Mr. Right

This message goes out to all the single women who constantly turn to psychics for advice on Mr. Right. I got two words for you STOP IT! Let me tell you this if you are the type of women who calls their psychic every week for help cut it out! Psychics are good for guiding you on the right path for example if we tell you stay away from men with drug problems use that to guide you to someone more stable. Do not turn to a psychic every other day for advice on your next move. Here's a little secret for those who are not to familiar with how psychic visions v.s. the future work just know your future is not set in stone. What we see can change depending on where you are at in a present moment. Lets say you and your boyfriend are constantly fighting the psychic may say you don't love em leave him. Maybe at that moment those were your thoughts about the situation. But then you two reignited your romance and a new path was formed leading to a wedding. That's the future being changed. Or how about they say you will go on a trip to New York and fall in love. Then all of a sudden you decide to go to Mexico instead and you have a fling with a sexy Latin lover(while you were drunk). That's you changing the outcome again.The point I'm trying to make here is don't rely solely on a psychics advise. Use a combination of your own intuition along with advise from others. Don't become one of those people who have their lives dictated by what a psychic says.Learn to trust in yourself and hear your guides voice when it comes on what to do. Never give someone else control, empower yourself to make your own choices.

With Love and Devotion


(Like the picture? Go to for more of Caroline Steinhauers work)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

UMMM....When are you going to start Meditating? >:)

Just start already!What are you waiting for? When it comes to anything it takes practice. I dare you to start mediating today you don't have to do it for a whole hour you can do it for ten, fifteen minutes tops. I do admit I have fallen off the meditation band wagon a few times but you got to get back on top and try again. As the saying goes "It takes 21 days to make something a habit". Start today go to a quiet space gather your stones, incense, candles or whatever you meditation tools are to give it a shot. You might not feel anything in the first session but mediation takes practice just like working out you gotta keep going til it's perfected. After constant practice you will notice you will have peace of mind, be able to handle stress better, and plus studies have shown meditation can help lower blood pressure and help reduce dependency on medication. So get off the couch and go meditate already!!

Love and Devotion as always


(Pic and

Monday, December 5, 2011

Learning to deal with your emotions >:)

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to throw in the towel? You broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and you just want to say f*** it I'm done with life. We have all been there as a psychic/spiritualist when we are not in line with our emotions and let out our frustrations out that can have a negative effect on our abilities. Since realizing my powers and trying to harness them it's difficult when I go through emotional moments and not express how I feel and all of a sudden I'm astral traveling every evening unwillingly. It's never a good think to bottle your emotions because you are just leaving bad energy inside of you. If your feelings are repressed they stay inside and don't go any where the negative emotions just keep impacting you and you can never really reach a truly calm and stable mind. One thing to do is to acknowledge how you feel by talking about it. Talk to a friend or a pet I know I turn to my dogs Lola and Kenji anytime I need someone just to hear me. Once we let it out we extinguish the fire and not become victims to our emotions. After that we might still feel a little sting from what ever happened but we have some sense of relief knowing that we dealt with it. For everyone out there I do encourage you to try this anytime you have a bad situation to deal with. Always acknowledge how the situation makes you feel then if its something that you can control try fixing it if not then recognize you can't do anything about it and just learn to move forward. It's real easy and you will be doing your spiritual self a huge favor :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

*My Life Purpose*

In order for people to live there authentic self's we need to figure out what our true callings are in life and for me its something I have came to realize full circle as of last week. From the days working at Wally World I would always end up giving advise to people. Everyone wanted my advice. Co-workers would always share thoughts and secrets with me all the time. It's not something I was asking for this gift just came naturally because people would just open up to me. Keep in mind at this time I didn't know I was Psychic. From there my ventures led me to start writing a self help blog back in 2006 that didn't last to long since I was actually paying to maintain it :(. Although when the blog was up it was very enjoyable for me to write and loved the fact that people are actually reading it. From that point I just let it sit in the back burner then in 2008 my partner introduced me to the metaphysical world. Through my life time I've had curiosity but never really experienced it. After two whole years of learning what this world was all about, a lot of what I learned made sense to me and therefore revealing that I might be psychic. At that time I had a reading with psychic Terry Yoder he told me he saw that I was going to be helping people somehow I was going to help those in need such as counseling. The whole puzzle really didn't click until a week ago! So during a meditation I asked what is my authentic self? Who am I? My answer was I'm an Adviser to people, a spiritual counselor to be more precise. There is a theory that many spiritual beings have said on and on from the recently passed Steve Jobs to the Psychic Twins Terry and Linda Jamison. "Everything we do in life is connected in some way" we wonder why the heck am I working here or doing this for a living? It's because this is going to prepare you for your purpose in life. Everything is connected after I looked at the big picture from loving to write, to giving advice ,writing a self help blog and now psychic. I'm prepared for this and ready to help those in need!!

With Love and Devotion

David G

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Spirit Guides A brief Intro

Ever hear a little voice in your head that tells you to be careful, to take a chance, or to do something? It can happen real unexpectedly. Your spirit guides are your guides to life. They are here with you all the time. Sometimes we ignore them and never utilize what they have to offer. My guides name is Edward. He has always been with me all the times I have needed him. Until two years ago I didn't know who Edward was. However anytime I felt lost and needed some guidance from the universe he was always at my calling to help me. People always ask how do I connect with my spirit guide? Simple all you gotta do is ask. Best way is through meditation close your eyes light some incense and ask for there help. If you don't have time to meditate just ask them "What is their name" they will give you clues if you all of sudden keep seeing the name Oliver or Maria every where you go take that as a sign.What I noticed is that sometimes they will come to you with images not words. Often when I perform spell work or psychic readings I will ask Edward ok show me what I have to do. Remember one of my last entries "My First Charmed Battle" I called my guide for advice to fend of the bad energies that were lurking. He would show me a candle then told me put this around it then do this and then that. It was hard at first trusting his advice however once I learned to let go and believe in him that's when my connection to him grew even more. I'll keep writing more on SPIRIT GUIDES for now I leave you with this tid bit :)

Love and Devotion


I'm Back!

As many of you have known I offered to do Clairvoyant Readings to those who emailed me. However I ran into a snag when I ended up hurting my back that I couldn't even move :(. Since I wasn't focused I felt it was just a bad time for me to try to do readings. Now I'm doing a lot better and its time to get this show back on he road. Last time I checked my email I had a lot of people that wanted readings so to those of you waiting for my response I will get in contact with you sometime this week to make appointments again.

Thank You

David G

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Truth will set you free:Confessing you darkest secrets

Have you ever felt like the secret you hide from everyone is holding you down inside? I have felt that way. No matter how big or how small secrets can hurt us all. In my life I have had some friends that live double lives. Some people cheat on there spouses, others steal, at some point we all have done something we are not proud of. It's when we let those secrets stay inside of us that we end up feeling ugly inside. Don't get me wrong you will probably not think about it all the time. There will be moments when you remember what you did. That's the ugly feeling I'm referencing to.The negative energy that you made lives inside of you when you hold a terrible secret. Now what if you can get rid of that burden and clear up the energy? Speak up and share your secret to the ones that need to know to free yourself from being a slave to unwanted energy. Granted there maybe some fall outs depending on what you did. But how does your body feel afterwards? Your energy? How about how do you feel mentally once you let go? I'll tell you how it feels it's like removing a 20 pound sack of mental potatoes that you had laying on your back! That's how it can become if you hold dark secrets they basically make you feel like you have to watch your back all the time because someone might find out. That's not the type of life I want to live :). We all have to be conscious of our actions and what consequences they have. For those of us how think we can get away with lying to those we love most are dead wrong. You might think your ahead of the game but if you don't take the higher road and free yourself from your secrets getting caught will be a lot worse than coming forward. Free yourself from what holds you back. It will be a great gift you can give yourself and give you spiritual freedom :)

With Love and Devotion


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rediscovering who you are through Meditation

Have you ever felt like you were living in a routine and nothing was happening? It just seemed like life was get up in the morning, take a shower , go to work, come home, and go to bed. The next day you wake up doing the exact same thing! I have felt like that in the past. Almost like you lose yourself to this nonproductive way of being. There were days I remember that it was like I lived on auto pilot. It turned into going to work ,coming home,staying up late and sleeping in the next morning till it was time to go to work AGAIN! Never will I turn to being that person again. It was depressing for me.My job caused me anxiety and stress every morning I dreaded going to work and as some of you know I work at a call center. This reached a point to where I couldn't focus on anything else but worrying about work. This led to my path of rediscovering myself and my break through with meditation began. Closing my eyes and breathing in deeply gave me the calming feeling I yearned for.My thought process became more rational and I would think more clearly before reacting to anything. With work my answer was to change my attitude. If customers are going to yell I have to accept thats the norm. But I am not going to let some rude person on the other line make me fear my job! My attitude was adjusted and work became much more enjoyable. My answer to rediscovering myself was to pick-up a pen and start writing this has been my passion all my life but then I joined the workforce and lost it. Now I write blogs on a regular bases and focus on fictional writing as well. A quote I love from The Lion King Mufasa tells Simba "Remember who you are"! It's the important aspect of yourself that will make you feel more valuable because its what makes you YOU! Once you learn to find your inner self hold on tight to it and never let go. Rediscovery can help you gain control of your life again even when you feel you have lost control. Just close eyes, breath and let your inner spirit speak to you.

Love and Devotion as always


Follow by Email

Hi everyone so I decided to delete the followers plug in on my blog and instead use Follow by Email. It's a lot more easier and doesn't require you to setup username and password :) I know its hard enough remembering a zillion passcode so just input you email address on the link in the bottom left side that says FOLLOW BY EMAIL click submit and that's it! Easy enough so what are you waiting for subscribe with your email today!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My first "Charmed" Battle

Before I knew the existence of my own abilities there was always those small hints that would guide me and keep hinting at me to follow this path. When the t.v. show "Charmed" aired I used to be hooked to it. Even though it amplified what real magik is the show had lots of realism to it. This again sparked my interest in the metaphysical. In every episode the sisters battle another Demon using there abilities. When my psychic gifts came to reality I would flash back to old episodes of Charmed and wonder what if that time would come for me when I have to defend myself ? Little did I know my home would be attacked by negative spirits. During a lecture that was given in my home about negative energy to a group of paranormal investigators, Me and my friend Krista were attending guest and all of a sudden we looked at each other with an expression like somethings going on around here? It felt like other entities where trying to come into the home. Krista felt them coming from the backyard and I saw them from the sides of the house. She walked the long hall to push them away. Edward (my spirit guide)immediately told me what I needed to do . First thing he showed me was a blue candle lite right by the window placed on a candle holder. The living room seemed more tame after both our efforts. All of a sudden these critters came back! Krista went around the halls again using her abilities and commanded them to leave. Again I turned to Edward for advice. This time he suggested earth with sea salt, and crushed red peppers(I know the red peppers again).Krista charged each item for me with intention for protection of the home. As I placed the mixture around the candle the energy in the house dropped again back to normal. By this point we figured OK everything should be fine now. During the lecture the presenter was going to show a recording of a possession extraction and one of the guest did not feel comfortable and asked to step into another room. When she went into the room she started crying uncontrollably I couldn't understand what was happening. My thoughts were that maybe somehow all this talk of negative energy brought these creatures closer to the home and started impacting our guest. Edward kept telling me I had to calm her down. We called forth the power of nature to help her find peace and serenity imagining a green shade covering her body and any negative feelings removed. We then filled her with positive light and protection from mother earth. A few minutes later Krista walks in crying hysterically. Now Krista is no wuss when it comes to the paranormal but somehow something came over her and she was crying it was so weird that I almost wanted to laugh in fact I think we both did. Our theory was that she must of picked it up from the guest I was comforting because she passed right by Krista when she went with me to the other room. Once everyone was settled we stepped back into the lecture and I felt them come around the home again getting closer and closer and closer. This time Edward told me shield the home by imagining a light blue shield around the premise see yourself projected from the top of the house sending the shield down into the earth. This is where I felt myself being drained of my energy. I was trying to focus on my goal but I was only using my own energy. Which drained me a lot I should of been using the elements and channel their energy to fulfill my goal. At that time when I was working on the shield Krista saw me struggling keep in mind I never told her what I was doing, but she placed her hand on my back thats when I felt her energy go through me and help build the shield to protect the home. Literally the shield hit the soil and I would see these dark figures bounce back this is when we knew we got them they were not going to be able to get through. After our "Charmed" Battle Krista told me about Being the channel and not the source when I'm doing any type of energy work. If I continued the same way I'd be draining myself and getting sick. Going forward I always try to remember that message but sometimes I'll admit I get caught up in what I'm doing and completely forget to do that. That wraps up my first battle even though it was kind of a scary situation it was so freaking awesome using our gifts to the extreme and taking care of business till next time my friends...........

Love and Devotion to you always


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Be the Channel not the Source" thanks Krista :)

Many of my readers know I had my first business blessing last Sunday. This was a very exciting for me being out on my own and building a client list. To prepare I meditated the night before on the building just to see if there is anything going on. When I gazed inside I saw one of the rooms had lots of heavy burdens. Such as guilt, worried, lack of confidence and just a need to straighten this individuals emotions. As far as the overall office I wanted to clear any stress, anxiety that was laying around because it was poured all over the floors. When I was doing the initial blessing it felt great. My mind was clear body felt great. It was after the blessing that I paid for it. Which is when I realized I should of listened to my good friend Krista she once talked to me about not being the energy source and just being the channel the energy is directed too. Last year me and her had a great bonding moment when we battled out a few bad entities trying to attack my home during a paranormal lecture about negative energy fun times I tell you.Well once our battle ended she noticed I was overwhelmed I was sweaty and tired. My energy was being concentrated on shielding the home and creating a blue colored barrier. However my problems continues to be that I use my own energy to fulfill my magical work. When I should be directing the energy through me from the elements to do my work. This was another learning experience for me. On my next blessing I got to be more careful because I'm telling you on Monday I was tired and sleepy. My day did not start until about 1:00 pm! Never will I do that again. Still it was a amazing experience that the owners have already contacted me and are asking for more services that I can offer to them. Lets hope my schedule doesn't get too booked because its getting busy for October!

Love and Devotion like always


Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Charging stones for a star in the making"

Today two clients of mine had a box of stones that were given by a relative in Florida. The clients daughter is moving to LA for work in the entertainment industry and to help her I charged specific stones with intentions. What I did for them was going back to a previous blog entry I wrote about how to charge stones with intentions. The box had everything from amethyst, malachite, crystals quartz wands a lot of good stuff! Placing my hands on each stone one at a time I had felt what her needs were going to be. First was aventurine for abundance drawing opportunities, second stones was a two stone combo which was tigers eye and rose quartz for emotional healing/personal growth. Next was refreshing ocean jasper this stone was so uplifting it felt like I got hit by a blue wave of water. That sensation was nuts I didn't want to let go. Now I know I need some ocean jasper for my business blessing that I have on Sunday it would work wonders.(On a funny story which keeps reaffirming me to follow my instincts I traveled to the brass unicorn which is a wonderful new age store located in town for stones. Since this is my first official blessing I decided to allow my guide Edward to show me what stones I needed to get. The combination was rose quartz,tigers eye, amazonite, and I really wanted some ocean jasper. Sadly they didn't have it so I was extremely drawn to the rhyolite stone not even knowing the properties I got it. Later tonight as I was scrambling through my reference book it turns out Ocean Jasper is a silicon dioxide mineral that occurs in highly silicified rhyolite. In other words Ocean jasper is created from rhyolite!! This keeps reaffirming to me to listen my spirit guide Edward. Never has he let me down. Sorry I had to share now back to my original story :) One of the last stones we used was Malachite this stone is just to draw out negative energy. Since she is going to be in a really stressed filled environment this was a good way to remove it. After all the stones were charged we had her place them in a small little sack that she can store in her purse to take everywhere she goes. That way when she travels her purse is always with her and the stones and crystals are always with her.

What I did today to help my friends and clients truly makes me feel more connected to my higher-self. Every touch that I made with the stones and crystals was natural for me. It excites me when I do my spiritual and metaphysical services especially when a client calls me back telling me how amazing something I did for them worked :)

That wraps it up for me tonight

As always lots of love and devotion to you


P.S. Next blog will be about my first house blessing under my business Spiritual-U

Monday, October 3, 2011

David how did you learn to cast spells??

David how did you learn to cast spells? Is a common question many ask me. My knowledge came from a mix of sources.Psychic friends, books, psychic fairs, you tube videos that gave me tips,advice, and guidance but I feel that the majority of times I relied solely on my spirit guides telling me what I needed to do.Then I would turn to psychic friends to affirm I was correct. I'd listen to that inner voice I call him Edward and he would tell me what steps I needed to do to help someone.No matter if someone needed healing, spell work, or anything magical in fact Edward is the reason I learned incantations . One time I had to help heal this women that needed energy work done on her. First thing I do is say "ok tell me what I need to do" right away he shows me a blue candle I see myself lighting it. Then surround the candle with sea salt and add red pepper chili flakes.For some reason every time I'm trying to heal someone in pain red pepper chili flakes comes to my aid I still don't get it. Once I set up my little altar I grabbed my labradorite stone and since it was the shape of a wand I focused it on the candle pretending this was my patient. Slowly my hands moved over the candle my instincts said she was having a problem in her abdominal area around her sides was where I would see pain. Then I had my colleagues confirm my findings and I was right! Other findings were when my hands felt like they were on fire. It was like I felt electricity come out of my palms! This is when I discovered how to pass energy to others and charge stones with intentions. Of course the first time I turned to friends of mine to again confirm I wasn't going nuts. After that it became natural for me to want to heal people that had physical ailments. Anytime a co-worker would complain of back pain I used my hands to heal them by removing energy blockages. This method of healing is still something I practice daily anytime I can heal my pets, my surrounds, plant life loved ones my hands come to the rescue. To wrap up this blog entry a psychics learning never ends your world is always going to be your classroom.

House Blessings: A way to bring new energies to your life

Ever felt your home's energy is stale and its cluttered with to much that was left by past owners?Or maybe you had that aunt that came over and left her negative energy all over your house. It's time to perform a spiritual cleansing of the home. Just like you clean your floors with pine sol and wash your dishes with Palmolive. Your home needs a house blessing to clear out the cluttered energy and make room for new energy. This use to happen to me a lot and I couldn't understand it. When we moved into a apartment it felt so cluttered the air seemed too thick like someones negative energy was left behind. Everyone has there own style to performing a house blessing there is no wrong or right way. For me my ritual starts by lighting a green chime candle in the center of the home(fire). Why green? It represents nature and my blessings are inspired natures spirits. I have bottles of homemade holy water(water element) (yes I am an ordained interfaith minister) . As I sprinkle it on each window and door creating a cross I chant " Mother Earth protect this space in every way do not let those who seek pain to get in your way ". Keep in mind as I am doing each part I focus on riding the cluttered energies.Then I take my sage bundle and as its lite I walk around the inside perimeter of the home chanting either the same incantation or change it up. Making sure I get every entry way, every corner ,and spots where I feel it needs it more. If the space allows it sage the front and back yards too(saging represents air). Sometimes apartments may not have that but its OK as long as you got the inside of the home. Next I like to light incense to fill the space up because when you sage your home you are clearing out the energy that was there. So you have to fill it with something preferably jasmine, lavender, or any type of flowery incense would work. And last but not least this is something special that I do which is I take four stones or crystals and I bury all four pieces one in each corner of the home outside forming a perimeter creating a shield to protect its occupants. If its a apartment just place each stone in the corners in the inside of the home. This is representing earth and if its a house I like taking a walk outside seeing if there are any trees that can be awakened. From my point of view some nature spirits reside in trees and I feel such a close connection that when I touch a tree I feel its communicating with me. That's when I let them know what I'm doing and to protect the outside of the home by guarding it and keeping any unwanted energies from showing up. Simple enough its amazing what one house blessing can do to you and your home. Have one done at least once a year kind of like how you have spring cleaning then have the house blessing afterwards you won't regret it!

Pretty simple don't you think? If this is something you feel you need done in your home or want some more information feel free to contact me either through my facebook page that you can like on the bottom left side of my blog or my email :)

Thank You Again

With lots of love and devotion


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Finding forgiveness brings you closer to your higher-self

We cannot grow unless we learn to let go and forgive others. It's one of those hard things we have to do. When we get hurt our ego's tell us be mad, hold a grudge, be angry. Don't get me wrong this is a natural human emotion that we must acknowledge but once it's recognized don't let it control you. This goes back to the talk about energy. When you get mad you are creating bad vibes and it's staying in you because you give it power. Things of that nature don't deserve a permanent stay in your body. We must always find a way to forgive no matter how long it takes. Forgiveness sets us free and brings us closer to our higher-selves and away from our ego.

Keeping it short for tonight :)

Lots of Love and Devotion : David

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Incantations and the power of your own words.....

Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo Put 'em together and what have you got bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! If Cinderella's fairy godmother can make magic happen with her words so can you. That is in a non Hollywood type of way of course. Her godmother basically used her words to set an intention to get Cinderella a ball gown, carriage and glass slippers. Now in our world we use affirmations or incantations (comes from the Latin word encantare meaning to chant)on ourselves all the time.Even subconsciously we do it and don't realize it :).In my daily routines when I wake up in the morning I look at myself in the mirror and say three positive things about me. By doing this I start my day right by conjuring some positive energy and affirm self confidence. Sometimes we may need a incantation to keep our focus. Have you ever been in a challenging situation? Like facing your fears and then you start whispering to yourself "I can do this, I can do this,I can do this help me goddess mighty we can do this". Again you are setting an intention by repeating those words.Therefore bringing the necessary energies to fulfill what you need.This also brings great results in the realm of love.Remember the last time your partner told you how much he loved you and his voice was so sweet and sincere? He was putting energy into those words.Which again manifested the energies to make you feel the love.In bringing abundance try something like " Money is drawn to me" saying it repeatedly for an affirmation or " Opportunity's present themselves to me bring forth abundance to help my world so let it be". Any time you have an incantation or affirmation pay close attention to how you say the words because how you say them reflects the impact of your magical energy work. Kind of like when your mad you say your words more boldly, louder, and meaner. Use the same method when you say a intention it will make your incantation stronger. If your new start small by thinking of what type of energy you want your words to have.Then when you have something ready write it down, focus on the power each word will have and have fun with it you will amazed on what you can come up with!

With lots of love and devotion to you always,


Sunday, September 25, 2011

"The EGO Monster"

When you want to reach a higher level of consciousness you have to let go of your ego. The ego identifies with having, but it's satisfaction in having is a relatively shallow and short lived one. Concealed within it remain a deep-seated sense of dissatisfaction, of incompleteness, of "not enough." "I don't have enough yet," by which the ego really means, "I am not enough yet"- (The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle go read it great book!!).It seeds itself in your brain and if your not aware how it works and acknowledge it's existence to finally control it you will NEVER reach your full potential.

According to Tolle "The word "I" embodies the greatest error and the deepest truth, depending on how much it is used. In conventional usage, it is not only one of the most frequently used words in the language (together with the related words: "me," "my," "mine," and "myself") but also one of the most misleading. In normal everyday usage, "I" embodies the primordial error, a misconception of who you are, an illusory sense of identity. This is the ego". So he saying that the ego makes you become fake. An identity that is projected to the public and it's true self is only shown to a select few. This individual wants you to believe they are something they are not. They only care about making you believe they have an amazing life and deep down when they go home they are miserable and doing self destructive behaviors. The egotistical being wants everyone to love them and make them fall for the persona they are projecting. This person doesn't know who they are. It's inflated self is acting, portraying a role without winning an academy award :).

If you can recognize the illusion it will dissolve. Knowing it's fake will be the death of the monster. They want you to believe the perception it gives is reality. So when you know what reality truly is the ego shall perish. Lets say you do not recognize the false self then you go back to being a victim to the ego. Do not let it take you over ! Break through and fight it because once you do your much closer to reaching enlightenment.

"Letting go will set you free"

My nerves and fears of being wrong have held me back psychically. Yesterday when I had my investigation with CCPI I was hoping to have some back up from other psychics to verify my findings but I didn't have anyone! I was the lone psychic for the night it was only me and the team. I'm glad It worked that way because it pushed me to gain confidence. When the investigation begun I did my psychic sweep which means I walk around the house pick up my impressions then share my findings with the team. After this the dreaded validation from the owners happened. She confirmed for me the ghost had a favorite room which was the computer room. Also in her bedroom stood a angel that watched over her family.The entity has a favorite resident which was the husband she would always be in his room (the computer room). All the information that was divulged gave me more of a boost of confidence. That night I realized I have to stop caring what others think. Society puts so much pressure on us to be perfect and get everything right. We grow up thinking we have to get all A+'s in grade school, we have to always be #1, it can not be that way! When you are trying to expand psychically you got to let go that will set you free.It blunt terms don't give a dam and go for it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

If you thought that's all I had to offer I'm just getting warmed up.................

Get ready my friends a new venture is starting just for you.............stay tuned more info to come during the week

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A House Full of Stones and Crystals!

We all want positive energy to flourish in our homes. A great way to do that is placing stones and crystals around your space. A year ago my love affair with stones and crystals began once I learned how to harness their properties I started using them daily. About six months ago I actually started using them at home by charging them with specific intentions and placing them in certain spots around my home bringing harmonious energy to circulate freely. To start you have to decide what type of energies you need around your space. If you want to repel negative energy from entering your home put hematite, or black onyx right by your front door. Lets say you want to try to draw some creative inspiration like for me I would want to have some amber on my desk with me when I write. It will not only boost my confidence but help me creatively. Like I have said in previous posts if you don't have the stones you need you can set intention on any stones even if the metaphysical properties do not match up. Its that simple! Go around your house and feel the energy in each room. What comes to your mind when you go in? Do you feel sad? happy? Or calm? Then go from there some of your spaces may not need the energy changed because they are already perfectly balanced. Other rooms may need energy changes. You will realize how more relaxing spaces become after you set intentions....... :)

As always with lots of love and devotion


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting your mind to SHUT-UP!

How can I quiet my mind when I have so much going on? It's a question people always ask when they are trying to learn to meditate. The thing is we have to learn to stop thinking and let our mind go. When I first started meditating it was hard. I was always a nervous reck, my worries revolved around my bills, family,relationship, my weight, my life, career it's like all I wanted to do was to tell my brain to please SHUT UP!! First off you have to learn that stillness is golden. Meaning siting on the floor and laying your hands on your lap or whatever position you prefer and not move. Secondly this worked for me but it may not work for you close your eyes visualize the inside of your mind imagine every single thought,problem you have going on to start fading into the background. The color you start seeing is pure white keep doing this until your mind is completely blank. Thirdly take deep breaths in,breath out, breath in, breath out, and so forth we wanna make sure every breath counts. What I like to do is start chanting not loudly but only enough that you can hear yourself. Chanting "aum" has worked me its really relaxing and helps me concentrate any phrase will do just choose something you like.My first few times trying to meditate my mind focused on all three parts but I felt I wasn't getting anywhere. About after a few weeks I noticed I would lose myself . It was as if I closed my eyes and leave to another world where I found peace and clarity when my eyes opened up again I popped back into this reality. At first this might seem like a hard goal to achieve for anyone but like with anything in life practice makes perfect. So I strongly urge you to try meditation and stick to! You will eventually get there remember that patience is key to anything :)

Thank You with lots of love and devotion


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Psychic Adventure with CCPI Part 3

The investigation was going pretty smooth I'll admit I completely forgot all the attention was on me and I would forget to speak up about my impressions. We would walk over to the babies room and Jo would again here the voice. It sounded really muffled like you knew it was a voice but they were speaking at a different frequency. My first impression I got angelic angel like. The spirit was here to watch over the baby and that's all she cared about. We would then go to the master bedroom and were we again ran into the older male. He would always watch the homeowners from the door way right by the edge. The conclusion with him was he meant no harm and he just wanted to watch over his property but he was searching for a loved one. One highlight of that night was when I finally got answers to why I would keep seeing the color blue and the connection with the little boy. I started seeing a blue glitter glue pen the owners say that those pens would always disappear.The blue pen was important because before we came that pen somehow mysteriously got inside the laundry machine and they for some odd reason would always end up all over the house all the time.He would also show me blue plates that you would smash play dough with I was thinking 1970 but he meant he loved the toys the current residence kids were playing with. What I realized from that experience is that I was having a hard time differentiating where the information was coming from. The boy was telling me about blue glitter glue pens I was thinking that he showed some toys from his time but apparently they were from current times.Those are some of the highlights I'm willing to disclose since some stuff was to personal to share.I was truly blessed to be working with a magnificent team each member really was welcoming CCPI is the best I can't wait to get the opportunity to work with them again if you want some more information on this magnificent team please go to

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Psychic Adventure with CCPI Part 2

Once we started the official investigation with the team I really felt intrigued to call the little boy forward. My guides were telling me I can easily call a spirit forward to try it. Through my connection I talked to him which by this point I was calling him Mikael. So as soon as I had the connection set with him I picked up my left hand made a pulling motion towards me like I was literally pulling him forward. Once he was within my grasp I lead him over to the living room.I laid my labradorite stone in front of the table and made it spin. My goal was to get him to move it because I felt him get really excited again and that's when we set out our K-2 meter to see if the boy could change the color of the device and he did. It was first inclination that we made contact with him. But then Mikael got bored. Like a stereotypical little boy he grew disinterested so I grabbed some more stones out of my bag and again I gained his interest and he started making the K2 lights change colors again! Seeing myself make a intimate connection with a spirit was awesome. When we were in the children's room up stairs I felt a strong desire to lay on the floor and play with kids toys and invite Mikael. The plan was for me to lay on the floor and get some of the clients kids toys and play with them on the floor to see if Mikael would join me. We waited for a mere few minutes and there he was right next to me. We played and I would tell him your going to be the blue car and I get to be the lizard. He loved it so much that the k2 meter light started lighting up again. By this time I had a clever idea. I turned the K2 meter into a game. I teased him like any little boy I said " I bet you I can change the color on the k2 quicker than you" and thats when things got interesting . The machine kept on changing colors going up and down on the scale turning on and off every other minute. It was amazing..............................Stay tuned for part 3 :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Psychic Adventure with CCPI Part 1

So last night I got the opportunity to work with Central California Paranormal Investigators (CCPI). My good friend Krista recommended me to the team leader Jackie Meador since they needed a psychic. Prior to the investigation my mind set was to run and hide I did not feel ready for this. That's when I had to snap out of it and have to accept that I'm not going to get everything right. Before I even went the site of the investigation I picked up memories of a little boy I could see him playing in his backyard having a barbecue about late 70's ish. Since that night the little boy kept visiting me non-stop. He would tell me how much he loved the color blue and I would see him run around the home.When we arrived at the residence I will admit I wanted to run back but I was excited I really wanted to do this. It was hard at the first but with the help of fellow intuitive Johanna it was nice because we easily intertwined with what we saw and would validate each others findings. As we traveled room to room I would still see the little boy in his red shirt he was so excited to see us. Johanna and I felt hyper like excitement coming from him he would follow us into every room saying "look at me"! As we walked to the other kids rooms we felt lots of nature energy but it was dominantly coming from the second bunk bed. Johanna and I concluded it was a nature spirit that was occupying the space. It was brought there by one of the residence that had a strong connection to them. Our Journey went up stairs and we could feel someone watching us not doing anything just observing. We both picked up on a elderly man it was real hard to get him to speak to us he would just watch you and do nothing else he just wanted to make sure the home or property was not mishandled.So those some of the highlights of our investigation ...........To be continued stayed tuned for part 2!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Crystals and Stones: Making them work for you

When we talk about charging stones we mean infusing them with our energy and will for specific intentions. My first time charging my stones was a unique experience I have never felt anything like it. As far as direction goes YouTube videos, blogs, and books were my only source of knowledge.Keep in mind stones and crystals do have specific metaphysical purposes but you can change those purposes by charging them with your intent :)The intention that was cast for my stones was to aid me when I went to work. Lets just say call center work is very stressful.For the ritual my spirit guides suggested using two types of incense Jasmine for relaxation and peppermint to combat stress and fatigue and make me feel uplifted. Then I grabbed my work badge and positioned it in between the two incense burners. The stones that were going to be charged at the time was tigers eye and honey calcite. Sitting on the floor with one stone in each hand I closed my eyes and imagined my thoughts of being protected, smooth phone calls, and lots of courage. My thoughts would then travel down my neck and down both arms to my hands then to both stones. My body stayed in the meditative state for about fifteen minutes I would then feel a tingling sensation almost like static between my hands and the stones. Once my stones where ready they were placed in a satin pouch and were ready to go to fulfill the duties I bestowed upon them. After my ritual was completed I lite some frankincense to thank the universe for helping me.This is one of the simplest forms of setting your intentions. It can done when your meditating its fast and simple. I dare you my friends to try it you will feel energies beyond you coming to your aid. Doing this to will further bring you closer to reaching a higher level of consciousness its just one of those many things that I have learned and I wanna share with you in your spiritual journey

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Crystals and Stones may break my bones but they are also good for something else :)

Have you ever seen a stone or crystal and stared in awe of how beautiful it was? The properties that they have are so powerful that they can help change the energies in and around you. From the ancient Egyptians to the early Indians stone and crystal healing is a practice that is still widely used today. Using them is a a ritual of mine day in day out. When I leave my home I carry my wallet, cell phone, keys, and piece of labradorite stone. Its a practice I've been doing for over a year now and you would not believe how it has changed me carrying that piece of stone. In fact I credit the labradorite as to helping me enhance my psychic abilities. Now don't think that this is all stones are good for in fact every piece has a different metaphysical purpose. Whether you want to take some tigers eye to increase abundance or meditate with amethyst to draw psychic awareness they will help you change your energy . Sometimes I love mixing different stones to amplify what my intentions are.My mornings will start with a meditation and asking my guides to help me choose the combination of stones that will be needed for the day.It never really fails.If your a beginner I know there might be some skepticism about doing this because I was to but my urge and need to find balance led me to trusting them. All you have to do to get started is believe and let the stones do the rest

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Meditating with incense

I love going to my moms house and having some home made cooking. As I walk through the doors the smell brought great memories to me. It made me feel at home, peaceful, calm, and loved. The power of smell can truly alter your state of mind. It happens all the time. Perfumes/Colognes are great examples. Do you have a favorite scent you wear to get your spouses attention?? The one that drives them mad and is sexually stimulating. Or what about when your outside in the morning its fresh and crisp the smells of natures beautiful flowers awaken you. The day I lit my first incense I truly understood the power of smell. It's something I constantly recommend if you are trying to better your meditation. Calming lavender incense cones are a great option for beginners. Soothing and tranquil it will help ease the mind and bring you to a better altered state of consciousness. If you are having a intention filled meditation choose incense that resonates with you. Whether you need to open yourself up to receive love go with dragoon's blood, or Frankincense to reach a better since of spirituality. The world is your oyster my friends and when it comes down to it there are no rules just listen to your higher self and they will help you choose.

Why everyone should meditate...

I love the fact when I wake up in the morning I can give myself 30 minutes to be alone with my mind. I can close my eyes light some incense and reach my higher self.Meditation is something we should all be doing daily. It's become a ritual for me like my cup of coffee I can't start my day with out it. It's brought me peace and strength to deal with my emotions. For without it I would be a wreck when it came to dealing with myself emotionally. What a lot of people even me at the beginning would say is "meditation is hard I can't focus"," I can't clear my mind". My questions to them is was learning to drive difficult at first? Was learning to play a musical instrument at the beginning hard? These things take discipline no one is perfect at first. My first time meditating lasted for 10 minutes my mind couldn't stop thinking I felt I failed. Practicing daily gave me more awareness I would try new things I started playing meditation music slowly but surely I got the hang of it. After music my next logical step was adding incense. Dragon's Blood was my companion the scent drove me into a altered state of mind and made me relax. To be honest I'm naturally an emotional mess but through the power of meditation its led me to being balanced with mother earth and feel more connected to my high self